Peggy Toney Horton lives in a small town near Charleston, West Virginia with her husband and a cat named Liza Jane. Peggy's short stories and essays are published regularly in The Charleston Gazette, and have been for several years. Her book of short stories and essays, Somewhere in Heaven My Mother is Smiling, was published in February, 2011. It had the distinction of being one of the top 100 imported books in China in 2011 and 2012. One of Peggy's quotes has been included in Dr. Kathleen Cannon's book, "She Said What? - Quotable Women Talk Aging." Page 44. Her quotes also appear in several other books of quotes as well as Iz Quotes, Goodreads, The Quote Garden and others.
Peggy's stories have also appeared in USA Deep South, All Things Girl, Midlife Collage, Bewildering Stories, Front Porch Magazine, Page & Spine, Memoirabilia and A Quiet Courage. Her books, Somewhere in Heaven My Mother is Smiling, Unseen Angels, which she coauthored with Betty J. Williams, Sweet Whispers of Youth, poetry, Stop the World and Get Off, Does God Want us to Be Happy, Cries of a Broken Spirit and Sunshine Hollow w/Betty J.Williams, Dancing With Sugarplums and She Did it Her Way are all available in both Paperback and Kindle! Why Does Christmas Lose its Magic, On Waters of Sorrow, Remembering Sadie and One Special Summer are available only in Kindle at this time. Check for all books. Peggy belongs to West Virginia Writers, Inc. and blogs at Peggy's Ponderings, Peg's Personal Essays, Somewhere in Heaven and Peg's Late Night Musings.
Peggy's stories have also appeared in USA Deep South, All Things Girl, Midlife Collage, Bewildering Stories, Front Porch Magazine, Page & Spine, Memoirabilia and A Quiet Courage. Her books, Somewhere in Heaven My Mother is Smiling, Unseen Angels, which she coauthored with Betty J. Williams, Sweet Whispers of Youth, poetry, Stop the World and Get Off, Does God Want us to Be Happy, Cries of a Broken Spirit and Sunshine Hollow w/Betty J.Williams, Dancing With Sugarplums and She Did it Her Way are all available in both Paperback and Kindle! Why Does Christmas Lose its Magic, On Waters of Sorrow, Remembering Sadie and One Special Summer are available only in Kindle at this time. Check for all books. Peggy belongs to West Virginia Writers, Inc. and blogs at Peggy's Ponderings, Peg's Personal Essays, Somewhere in Heaven and Peg's Late Night Musings.